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2016 – Hangzhou

At the G20 Summit in Antalya (Turkey), in 2015, the G20 looked for the first time at migration and refugee movement. They also agreed on further financial sector reforms and resolved to support the global climate agreement. The Leaders also issued a G20 Statement on the Fight against Terrorism. At the Summit in Hangzhou (China), in 2016, the focus was on strengthening long term inclusive growth of the global economy. The Summit also looked at linking sustainable growth and social welfare. Digital Economy as an important driver of development and growth became part of the G20 agenda for the first time during China’s Presidency in 2016. G20 Leaders also adopted the ‘G20 Action Plan on 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’, which has since then become the guiding document for G20’s work on the ‘sustainable development’.

Summit Images

Summit Statement

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